Journal ID : ALS-08-08-2021-5609
[Volume - 11, Issue - 07]
Total View : 1650
Title : Academic Intervention Research for Students with Emotional and Behavioral Disorders
Abstract :

Academic underachievement is one of characteristics of students with emotional and behavioral disorders however, little research has been examined on academic interventions for students with emotional and behavioral disorders. This summary paper examines three reviews of the academic intervention research for students with emotional and behavioral disorders. [3] examined the status of and trends in academic intervention research for students with emotional and behavioral disorders, while [4] conducted a meta-analysis of studies to investigate the effectiveness of teacher-mediated interventions for academic outcomes of students with emotional and behavioral disorders. [5] also conducted a meta- analysis of the existing studies focusing on academic performance as dependent measures and calculated a standardized effect size for the intervention studies. This examination leads to the conclusion that academic intervention is promising for students with emotional and behavioral disorders. Furthermore, important implications of this conclusion are discussed.

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